Disaster Recovery Solution

Plan B in case of a natural disaster

With the cutting edge technology we live in, data loss is unacceptable due to the value of organizational data and the inability to recreate it. Implementing a business success strategy requires uninterrupted operations and continuous availability of critical data to be stable and recoverable.

The best approach to disaster recovery

Our managed disaster recovery services provide certified recovery end-to-end solutions to get you back to work quickly. To help you certify and guarantee your recovery, all our solutions are automatically configured to be fully functional and tested daily at the application level to ensure they work when you need them.

How can we help with disaster recovery?

Bilad Al-Rafidayn Technology provides a business continuity approach designed to prevent data loss and maintain the availability of business-critical applications even after a server outage or major disaster. Combine true replication with managed application delivery to minimize business risk during a crisis. Advances in disaster recovery that give businesses the flexibility to respond to any IT disaster, from the failure of a single server to the complete loss of a facility.